IATSE514 – News

Upcoming Election

Dear Members,

In the context of the merger, our insurance plan will remain the same and requires your involvement for its maintenance and the decisions that will have to be made in the future.

There will therefore be an election very soon to fill the five positions, for a 3-year term, on the Health Care Plan Committee of the IATSE Local 514:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary-Treasurer
  • Administrator (2 positions)

Any member in good standing may stand for election. The committee meets on average twice a year. By occupying one of these positions, you have a privileged say in all matters relating to insurance and health care under the IATSE Local 514 plan.

Nominations will take place at the meeting on December 13, 2020. An absent member cannot be nominated. The voting period will take place from December 13 to December 17 at 5pm and will be done by Simply Voting.

Participating in the vote ensures that the positions on the Executive Committee are chosen by all of you. You have the opportunity to exercise this right within the union. Express yourself!

With solidarity,
The IATSE 514 team

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